Select pictures from Isaac, Grace, Lily, and Elijah (We like comments!)
Super Spy Girlby GracieWhat an outfit! With matching lipstick! And dad likes the way Gracie drew her hair blowing in the wind...
whoa! I wonder if I could get a chic crime fighting outfit like that! It would make my trips to Target and the grocery store a lot more fun! :)
You can save my world any day! Especially in those heels.
wow Gracie this is great!! i always look forward to seeing what you guys have been up for for illustration friday, and you always impress me!
ha ha this is so quaint. well done.
she is great! I love her expression, her flowing hair and her lipstick
terrific! keep drawing, just like your will bring you a lifetime of enjoyment!eBeth
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whoa! I wonder if I could get a chic crime fighting outfit like that! It would make my trips to Target and the grocery store a lot more fun! :)
You can save my world any day! Especially in those heels.
wow Gracie this is great!! i always look forward to seeing what you guys have been up for for illustration friday, and you always impress me!
ha ha this is so quaint. well done.
she is great! I love her expression, her flowing hair and her lipstick
terrific! keep drawing, just like your will bring you a lifetime of enjoyment!
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