Saturday, March 01, 2008

"Leap" by Gracie

Belinda the Ballerina
by Gracie, age 7

This picture is for our friend Miss Amy to congratulate her on her latest Belinda book: Belinda Begins Ballet!

We love all the Belinda books! Gracie's picture shows Belinda through the ages... Baby Belinda (see her large feet sticking out of the carriage), Young Belinda leaping, and finally Grown-up Belinda.

We have a funny family Belinda story: when Gracie was 2, Amy gave us a flexible, rubber, gumby-like Belinda figurine - very cool! Within just a day or two, Gracie bit the bun off the top of her head and stuck it up her nose. It was lodged pretty tight and took quite a bit of effort to get it out. Thinking this hilarious, we relayed the story to Amy. I have to imagine that she however, as a former laywer turned children's book author, was actually rather mortified...

Congrats on Belinda #4 Amy!


emilayusof said...

Oh how adorable!

soulbrush said...

haven't seen your stuff for a long time, and this is too cute for words.

ElizT said...

That is such a great picture! Design, movement, colour--everything.

Fourborne said...

Very cute.

erin said...

what a wonderful illo, great job!

Restnrileks said...

love the pink colours.. nice and sweet to the overall work.. :)

Elise's Art Garden said...

Gracie, I love your illustration! You have captured Belinda's leap beautifully!!

Loni Edwards said...

Great job Gracie! I loved how well you showed movement in both ballerinas. I also like the nice smiles on their faces. You can tell they love what they are doing!