Friday, April 30, 2010


A person has to be fearless around our house, what with all these monsters that keep popping up thanks to Elijah, age 4...

"Cocoon" by Gracie

"Cocoon" for Illustration Friday
by Gracie, age 9

This fairy helps butterflies out of their cocoons...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


We have a magnolia tree in our backyard, and for a brief 3-day window when it blooms each year, it's the most beautiful thing ever.  Earlier this week, the kids scooted outside with their paints to try to capture it before the petals started dropping...

by Lily

by Gracie

by Isaac

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Linked" by Gracie

"Linked" for Illustration Friday
by Gracie, age 9

It's a chain of "barrel-full-of-monkeys" monkeys